Psychometric Assessments

Ensure best practice in the recruitment selection process during the final stages by using tools that are proven to be able to predict the best candidates for the role. We use thorough and renowned personality questionnaires and, where appropriate, ability tests to conduct full and fair psychometric assessments.
We follow this up with one-to-one feedback with candidates where we discuss their profile and experience.
This means you select by objective psychometric assessment tests in a standardised way which still allows uniqueness to shine through and provides pointers as to future development and training needs.
You’re also giving potential team members a positive impression of your business – as an organisation which cares enough to make sure it gets things right first time; is professional in looking for and choosing people who fit into the team not only because of their skill level but also their personality and individual dynamics; demands value for money, and provides an even playing field for all candidates.
“Final selection ... should be on the basis of the shortlisted candidates’ relevant experience, skills, competencies, qualifications, knowledge and proven talents and attributes. The decision should be based on factual evidence rather than on personal opinions or assumptions.”
CIPD's Employment Law in Practice guide